Joyous Planet now require all parent, ages 5 and older, to wear a face covering that full covers their nose and mouth, and secures under their chin, while visiting our indoor playground.
Now! Face Coverings Now Required

Joyous Planet Indoor Playground in Vaughan
Joyous Planet Health & Safety Overview
By practicing & actively enforcing 6-feet Social Distancing within the playground
We are using hospital-grade disinfectants in seating area, playground, and party rooms
Joyous Planet ensuring all toys and equipment used at playground are made of material that can be cleaned and disinfected or are single use and are disposed of at the end of each time slot
Increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting objects, toys, equipment and frequently touched items
Cleaning and disinfecting, at least fourth a day, frequently touched surfaces
Joyous Planet checks expiry dates of cleaning and disinfectant products used and always following the manufacturer’s instructions
Use of credit cards/wristbands for contactless payment at front desk
Completing of a guest wellness questionnaire will be required for the visiting/party in each reservation as part of the check-in process
Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the indoor playground

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Hey there! How can we help you today? Let us know and we will do our best to assist you in any way we can!